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please come to this page FIRST and click on
this Amazon link
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When you click on our Amazon link,
Children of the Earth United will receive
about 5% of the price
of any item that you add to your cart (books, CDs, toasters, Market
Place items, etc.) There is no cost to you and the price you
pay is exactly the same.
You don't need to do anything further, just enjoy the feeling of
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Amazon link BEFORE adding an item to your shopping cart.
If you know other
people who use Amazon, please let them
know about this easy way to make a difference.
Thanks and Best Wishes, Jennifer Reinfeld
Executive Director Children of the Earth United
Children of the Earth United is
a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to helping students,
teachers and other interested individuals gain a deeper
appreciation, understanding and respect for our environment.