Bear Center
438 Lawson Road
Townsend, TN 37882
Phone: (423) 448-0143
Web site:
Appalachian Bear Center (ABC) is located just outside the Great Smoky Mountain National
Park in Townsend, Tennessee, and is a one of a kind 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that
provides an urgently needed alternative for wildlife officials trying to save the lives of
orphaned black bear cubs and injured black bears. The ABCs three-fold mission is:
1.) to educate the public about black bears and the regional threats facing them; 2.) to
rehabilitate orphaned and injured bears for release to the wild; and 3.) to research bear
attributes which may help solve other environmental or health issues.
In 1998, the ABC was able to reach thousands of
children and adults to educate them about black bears and teach them the importance of
sound management techniques. In order to reach as many people as possible, the ABC
employed various outreach tactics. Smaller children (ages 5-15) were called upon to gather
food for the Bear Centers annual "ABC Bear Food Drive". More mature crowds
were treated to slide presentations and lectures given throughout the Eastern Tennessee
area, but most people were able to hear about the ABC through various media sources. The
ABC also attended many area events which focused on the environment and/or education.
The Appalachian Bear Center accepted and/or
released 19 orphaned black bear cubs from the Eastern Tennessee area in 1998. The acorn
shortage, forced the majority of bears into populated areas in search of food, thus
subjecting them to conflicts with man and his pets. The reasons for orphaning were varied
but mostly due to automobile accidents, illegal hunting and dog attacks. Besides most of
the bears being malnourished, some of the more severe injuries to the cubs included two
bears with broken hind legs, one bear which was presumably attacked by a dog, one bear
with a severe gunshot wound, and multiple bears with concussions and abrasions. The
average weight of an orphaned cub brought to the ABC during this time period was 9.5 kg
(21 lbs.) while the average weight upon release was 23kg (51 lbs.). Eighteen of the bears
were released between January 6,1998 and July 31, 1998 (one of the cubs had to be
euthanized due to the severity of its injuries). The rehabilitated bears were
released throughout the Cherokee National Forest - Tellico Wildlife Management Area (13
releases) and the Great Smoky Mountain National Park (5 releases). Thirteen of the
released bears were radio collared and tracked with the assistance of a University of
Tennessee graduate student. None of the bears treated at the ABC ended up in a nuisance
situation after their releases!
For a special treat, visit their web site to
learn more about the ABCs amazing rehabilitation activities.
Centre for Environment Education
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Phone: 91-79-26858002
Web Sites: :
Centre for Environment Education is a national Institute engaged in
developing programmes and materials to increase awareness about
the environment. CEE was established in 1984
as a Centre of Excellence in Environmental
Education, supported by the Ministry of Environment & Forests,
Government of India. It is affiliated to the Nehru Foundation for
Development. CEE's primary objective is to improve public
awareness and understanding of environmental
issues with a view to promote the conservation
and wise use of nature and natural resources.
of the Earth
26 Baycrest Dr.
So. Burlington, VT 05403
Phone: (802) 862-1936
Web Site:
Children of the Earth, Inc. dedicates itself to the building of a better future
for all children. To promote this, Children of the Earth offers children and
youth leadership skills programs at home and abroad; educational workshops,
conferences and addresses at national and international forums, and fosters
building networks and coalitions of groups with common purposes to further the
concept of building greater global cooperation, multicultural understanding,
spiritual values and ethical living skills, as well as social responsibility.
Children of the Earth, Inc. uses as its platform documents that support and
further the intention of the United Nations and its Charter. Programs and
presentations address the Convention on the Rights of the Child, The Human
Rights Declaration, the Earth Charter, the Culture of Peace and other United
Nations™ treaties and declarations which import the deeper meaning of living
as a globally conscious society striving for world peace and greater individual
To these ends, program processes designed by Children of the Earth staff are
used globally, are integrated into existing youth programs, help establish and
formulate new educational programs in various countries as well as offer
speakers to attend conferences and workshops and contribute presentations on
relevant topics which further a better life for all children.
Web Site:
Compassionate Kids is a non-profit
organization that teaches children compassion towards the Earth, People, and
Animals. The website has articles such as Volunteering with Children &
Activism with Children, book reviews, and free, printable activities. Local
chapters have compassion-oriented field trips and community service-related
events. They are a new organization but they already have active chapters
in three states and members in three countries. Membership is free.
Kha Segunbagicha, (3rd Floor)
Dhaka 1000, Dhaka
Phone: 88028353604
INDEX was established in 1994 as a
Community Based Organization (CBO) for providing consultancy services on
development in different sectors. INDEX has incorporated a multidisciplinary
team of experts, having long experience in dealing with development issues and
multi-sectoral/multi-disciplinary approaches. INDEX is engaged in carrying out
activities on a wide range of issues in various fields including development,
resource management, water & sanitation and environment.
Specific services include:
Environmental assessment of projects; Environmental management; Management of
industrial effluents and waste; Environmental and natural resources survey and
mapping; Environmental quality monitoring of water, air and soil; Environmental
awareness and advocacy; Environmental education and training; Participatory
environmental management; Social impact assessment of projects and public
consultation; Environmental reporting; & Environmental technology.
Change Coalition
P.O. Box 31357
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420
Web Site:
The Dream Change Coalition is a
grass roots movement dedicated to encouraging sustainable lifestyles for the individual
and the global community.
In the U.S., the Dream Change Coalition is managed by the non
profit organization, Dream Change Inc. Their objective of inspiring earth honoring changes
in consciousness is accomplished through:
The Shuar of Ecuador believe that
"the world is as you dream it." Through the encroachment of the modern world
into their realm, they have come to realize that their contemporaries have been busy
dreaming an environmental nightmare of conquering and controlling nature's resources. They
asked their friend of three decades, author John Perkins to help birth a new vision for
the industrialized societies. DCC emerged from their collective
"dreamings" and the responsive actions of committed individuals from diverse
201 Boundary Lane, P.O. Box P
St. Michaels, MD 21663
Phone: (410) 745-9620
Founded in 1972, Environmental
Concern is dedicated to promoting public understanding and stewardship of
wetlands through education and outreach, native species horticulture and
creation initiatives. Located in St. Michaels, MD, they are home to
the nation's first wholesale plant nursery. Their education
department travels the world teaching educators how to integrate wetlands
into their classrooms using their two curriculum guides, WOW! The Wonders of
Wetlands and POW! The Planning of Wetlands.
P.O. Box 7490
Boulder, Colorado
Global Response, an
international network for environmental action and education, publishes
Young Environmentalist’s Actions for students in grades 3-8 and Global
Response Actions for
high school students and adults. These Action Bulletins teach
young people about global environmental issues and the local communities
that are struggling to stop the destruction of valuable forests, rivers,
wetlands, and habitats. Each Action Bulletin invites young people to
write letters to help a specific community defend its natural resources
and its right to a safe, healthy environment. And each bulletin gives
follow-up reports on past Actions, so students learn how their letters
have helped solve environmental problems around the globe.
By participating in Global Response letter-writing campaigns, young
people around the world can:
•help protect
endangered species and the planet’s biological diversity
•learn the skills for active, responsible, democratic citizenship
•collaborate with people of many nationalities, cultures and ecosystems
Global Response offers FREE Teachers’ Packets with lots of great ideas
for using Young Environmentalists Actions (YEAs) and Global Response
Actions in the classroom and in after-school activities.
Roots & Shoots - NIGERIA
188, Awolowo Road
Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria
Web Site:
Attn: Femi Folorunso
Tel: 2348044103562
The Grass Roots & Shoots
NIGERIA is a group of young Nigerians that promote care and concern for
people, animals and the environment through educational activities and
hands-on service projects. As a member of the international network of
Roots & Shoots groups worldwide, they foster respect and compassion
for all living things, they promote understanding of all cultures and
beliefs, they also inspire each individual to take an action to make the
world a better place for the environment, the animals and the communities.
Their group is a window for young people who have realized that they have
a part to play in securing a better world for the future, and have decided
to make a change.
They are currently
undertaking projects on - how young people in their communities can
promote sustainable developments especially in the grassroots. They plan
to educate youth in their communities on the roles young people can play
to make our environment a better place for all, and to do this, they will
need books both to empower and also share amongst participants so that
they can better understand what more they can do to protect our
planet. They are looking for donations of related books, posters,
paper files, CDs. If you can help them out, please e-mail the above
address to make arrangements
Roots & Shoots is the
Jane Goodall Institute's (JGI) global, environmental and humanitarian
program for youth. It is an international network of young people and their
mentors who are committed to making the world a better place for all
living things. Although Roots & Shoots groups come from more than 68
different countries, speak different languages and range in age from
toddlers to young adults, they are united by the belief that we can make a
positive impact on our communities and the world around us.
Green Guerillas
625 Broadway, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10012
Phone: (212) 674 - 8124
Web Site:
Since 1973, Green Guerillas' staff and volunteers have helped hundreds
of grassroots groups turn vacant, rubble strewn lots in New York City into vibrant
community gardens. Community gardens not only beautify a neighborhood, but serve as
outside environmental, educational, cultural and social centers. With Green Guerilla's
help, communities grow food, plant flowers, educate youth, paint colorful murals and are
shown how to preserve their gardens as vital community centers for future generations.
Today, Green Guerillas have helped create 700 gardens in New York City. The 6 person
staff, 700 members and 200 volunteers that make up Green Guerillas continue to help
communities get the plants, materials and know how they need to create and maintain a
community garden.
Valley Raptor Center
RR 1 ~ Box 473B, South Road
Stanfordville,NY 12581
(914) 758 - 6957
Web site:
A unique and exciting place for children and adults alike to
learn about B Bald Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks, Peregrine Falcons, Great Horned Owls, and
many other wild birds of prey. Located on 91 scenic acres, the Hudson Valley Raptor Center
has over 100 raptors (birds of prey) of 20 species, many are threatened or endangered.
The Hudson Valley Raptor Center:
~ provides medical care for injured raptors;
~ returns recovered birds to the wild;
~ provides sanctuary for unreleasable birds;
~ breeds permanently injured birds so that the young may take their
place in the world; and
~ gives people an opportunity to meet and learn about birds of prey.
Crane Foundation
P.O. Box 447
E-11376 Shady Lane Road
Baraboo, WI 53913-0447
Phone: (608) 356-9462
Web site:
International Crane Foundation (ICF) works worldwide to conserve cranes and the wetland
and grassland communities in which they depend. The International Crane Foundation is
dedicated to providing experience, knowledge and inspiration to involve people in
resolving threats to these ecosystems. To accomplish its mission, the ICF, a non-profit
organization, relies on a wide range of educational and conservation activities directed
towards the many countries that cranes inhabit. A collection of captive cranes is
maintained at their headquarters near Baraboo, Wisconsin. There the members of the ICF
pursue vital techniques for crane preservation: captive breeding and reintroduction into
the wild. This, combined with their many research efforts, enables them to conduct many
educational programs. Families groups and schools can visit the site and also benefit from
outreach programs such as staff presentations and the Midwest Crane Count. Second, the ICF
strives to inform people throughout the US, through outreach programs, educational
materials and films, national media coverage of their programs and a very informational
web site. On an international level, they train and offer expertise in habitat management,
restoration, ecology, captive management and propagation to colleagues in many countries.
Check out their excellent web site for more information on the wonderful things that this
organization is involved in and for great background information on the unique and
beautiful creatures this organization strives to protect.
Cronin Youth Organization
Patrick Cronin Village
Camaman-an, Macajalar, Cagayan de Oro City Philippines
Phone: 63 916 8564089
mission statement of the Patrick Cronin Youth Organization (P.C.Y.O.) is
to provide a safe and wholesome environment dedicated to all youth in the
community. Their goal is develop positive values, high esteem and a philosophy
of nurturing members to reach their full potential as successful Filipino
youth citizens. Their goal is to provide a comprehensive schedule of quality
programs and services that attempt to fully develop all who join the
de Envío de Información Ambiental
Departamento de Educacion & Museología
Fundacion de
Historia Natural Felix de Azara
Armenia 2104- 7 "D"
Cap Fed
Phone: +5411 4832
Argentina is a non profit
environmental information service that offers information on many environment
topics IN SPANISH at no cost through e-mail. They also offer
information via postal mail for people living in
and people that do not have
internet access. They often receive requests from teachers, students, rural
community leaders and ordinary citizens.
of Earth Savers
Town and Country
Hghts Subd.
Brgy San Luis, Antipolo, Rizal,
Phone: 6326442224 loc.112
A school-based organization who works with
other organizations in educating the youth, saving the remaining natural
resources and exploring the exquisiteness of nature.
of the Philippines (UPV) Amphiprion Society
Miagao, Iloilo, 5023 ~ Philippines
The UPV Amphiprion
Society is an organization established by Marine Biology students of University
of the philippines in the Visayas. This organization aims to increase the
awareness of the students of the importance of the marine environment. It
also encourges preservation and conservation of marine life. So far, as a
newly established organization, the activity that was undertaken by the members
of this organization is the MANGROVE planting and coastal clean-up in Taklong,
Island Guimaras, one of the national marine reserve in the Philippines.
Young General Assembly
151 North Ellsworth Avenue, Suite 6
San Mateo, California 94401, USA
Tel/Fax: +1-650-340-8940
Young General Assembly is an international organization designed, developed, and
established by Charter by a global movement of people under 18. It aims to serve
as a voice for those under 18 in international affairs and to unite the young
people of the world in responsible action through the project plans designed at
annual Young GA sessions. The organization is run by an Executive Committee of
people under 18, a Finance Committee of people over 18, and a Special Issue
Committee of people both under and over 18. The Secretariat is the
communications hub. The Young General Assembly is made up of 104 Member
Organizations in 52 countries and involves over 1.5 million young people
worldwide. It promotes the United Nations effort to build world peace. In 1995,
the Young GA proposed Hear the Children Day of Peace to be observed on
the third Tuesday of every September. It is a day when adults hear what children
have to say and then partnerships are formed so projects can be initiated to
improve local communities.
*Awarded special consultative status
Children of the Earth United offers a
listing of nature organizations as a way of letting people know about the special
activities that are taking place. The information listed above has been
provided by the organizations. Children of the Earth United's representatives have not had
the opportunity to visit each organization and therefore do not make any specific claims
as to the quality of the facilities or programs.
Click here if you would like to have your
environmental organization
listed on this page at no charge.

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